Cabrita Alegre
They produce 100% natural products from goat’s milk, with a healthy and innovative approach. They have a sweet line and a savory line, both are free of traces of cow’s milk, soy, gluten, refined sugar, colorings and preservatives.
Contact us:
Telephone number: +56 9 34125263
Email: ventas@cabritaalegre.cl
Instagram: @cabritalegre
P. Web: https://cabritaalegre.cl/

Veta Indomita
They are lovers of artisanal, rustic, native and endemic identity. They collect and promote creations made in Chile by Indomitable Artisans. They travel around Chile selecting handmade products that reflect the Cultural and Artisan Heritage, committing themselves to the quality and originality of each creation.
Contact us:
Phone: +56993107269
Email: vetaindomita@gmail.com
Instagram: @vetaindomita
P. Web: https://www.vetaindomita.cl/